Meet Haniffa, a Family Planning Advocate in Indonesia
By Seema Jalan
An estimated 20 million adolescent women want to prevent pregnancy but are not using a modern form of contraception. Around the world, young people are advocating in their communities for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.
Meet Haniffa, 22, Indonesian:
Growing up, Haniffa had a friend who was raised in a big family. She saw her friend taking care of her younger siblings early on, growing up in a poor family whose means were stretched thin. Haniffa saw firsthand the impact of many children on a family.
“As I grew up, I found out about family planning,” said Haniffa. “It can help an individual to have choices, to acquire knowledge and power of their own. Family planning has the capacity to improve someone’s quality of life.”
With this new knowledge, Haniffa became an advocate for family planning in her community, creating and distributing content on digital channels and writing articles focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights, including family planning, for youth.
“I hope I can help people to be informed; to help them realize the importance of family planning,” said Haniffa.
“I get a sense of achievement [from my advocacy] because I can bring out the best in myself by doing something for someone in need,” she added. “By doing something for other people, I actually gain more than I give.”
Haniffa’s advice for young activists like herself?
“Listen to lots of advice, be brave, and don’t stop learning!”
Access to quality sexual and reproductive health information and services is a fundamental human right and a key intervention to enable young people everywhere to pursue an education, launch a career, and control their futures. Learn more about the Universal Access Project and get involved at